
大学生身体素质和运动情况的分析与研究 被引量:4

Analysis and Research on Physical Quality and Motion Condition of College Students
摘要 目的为了在深层次上稳固提高大学生的体质、强壮体魄,保障我校大学生的健康,必须从根本上找出其影响因素。此次研究,是对齐齐哈尔医学院大学生身体素质和运动情况的调查与分析,了解该院大学生身体素质的基本状况,发现影响学生身体素质健康的因素,从而提出有助于增进学生身体素质的建议与预防控制不良因素的策略。方法通过问卷调查的方法进行数据的收集,以齐齐哈尔医学院在校大学生为研究对象。共发放问卷300份,采用方便抽样法,对在校大学生从大一到大五进行调查。仔细核查回收的问卷,剔除无效者后统一编码,使用Epidata3.1.软件进行数据录入,应用统计软件SPSS19.0对数据进行处理和分析。结果在体育运动的价值观方面,有112人(49%)的学生认为体育运动与身体素质与身心健康的发展有作用;在参加体育锻炼的欲望方面,选择比例最高的3个选项是强身健体娱乐身心、培养意志品质和集体荣誉感和培养体育锻炼的兴趣;在学生参加体育活动的行为特点方面,调查学生有116名学生是主动积极参加体育锻炼的,占到了调查人数的39%;其次,在运动频率、运动强度这两个方面,男生和女生的差异有统计学意义,P<0.05,且男生在这两方面均好于女生;另外,我校学生在女生800米跑和男生1000米跑、立定跳远这两项素质水平相比2008年全国大学生体质健康检测公告中全国大学生的平均水平低,其中男、女生的耐力素质和弹跳力素质与全国平均水平差距较大。结论我校学生体育价值观念总体较为积极,比较认可体院锻炼对于提高身体素质的积极作用。我校学生在身体形态方面较好,但身体素质方面存在不足,体现在耐力和弹跳力等方面,仍与全国大学生的平均水平存在差距。在运动情况方面存在体育锻炼动力不足,多数学生参加体育锻炼的意识比较被动,学生运动频率偏低,强度较差的现象。 Objective In order to improve the physical quality of college students and ensure the health of students in our college, the paper is to find out its influence factors fundamentally and survey and analyze the physical quality and motion condition of college students. Methods The students in our college were given 300 pieces of questionnaires, and the Epidata3.1 software was adopted for data input, and SPSS19.0 software was applied for data treatment and analysis. Results In terms of sports values, 112 cases(49%) supposed that the sports had a correlation with the physical quality and physical and mental health, in terms of the desire to participate in physical exercise, the top three were in turns strengthening the body and entertaining the soul, training will quality and sense of group honor and training interest in sports, in terms of behavioral features, 116 cases actively participated in the sports, accounting for 39%, in terms of sports frequency and sports intensity, the differences between female and male had statistical significance, P〈0.05, and the two aspects in male were better than those in female, in addition, the quality levels of female 800 m running, male 1000 m running and standing long jump were lower than those of average levels of college students in China, and the distance between the endurance quality and leaping ability in female and male and national average levels was bigger. Conclusion The total sports value of students in our college is positive, and it is accepted that the sports exercise has an positive effect on improving the physical quality,and the physical shape of students in our college is good, but the physical quality is inadequate, reflecting the enduranceand leaping abilities, and there is still a distance compared with those of national college students, in terms of sports, the physical exercise is inadequate, the awareness of most students participating in the physical exercise is passive, and the phenomena of lower sports frequency and worse intensity of students exist.
作者 李德宝 袁橙
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2016年第33期144-146,共3页 China Health Industry
基金 黑龙江省大学生创新创业一般项目"卫生管理专业‘毕业生-在校生就业工作互动平台’研究与实践"(201411230018)
关键词 大学生 身体素质现状 影响因素 运动情况 College students Physical quality status Influence factor Sports condition
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