
不同药物对獭兔球虫病的预防效果 被引量:2

The Protective Effect of Different Drugs on Rabbit Coccidiosis
摘要 为比较不同抗球虫药物对獭兔的治疗效果,选择400只胎次日龄相近、体重相似未感染球虫病的健康獭兔,随机分为4组,每组獭兔100只。将莫能菌素(20mg/kg)、盐霉素(36mg/kg)、氯苯胍(98mg/kg)、地克珠利(5mg/kg)分别添加到各组饲料中,饲喂60天。每周采集各组粪便测定球虫卵囊数量,记录因下痢死亡只数并检测盲肠内容物卵囊个数。结果显示:4组粪便中均未检测出球虫卵囊,死亡率分别为6.0%、3.0%、5.0%、8.0%,且内容物也未检测出球虫卵囊。结论:4种抗球虫药物均能预防球虫病的发生,其中盐霉素死亡率最低,效果最好。 The experiment was conducted to study the effects of the different anticoccidiosis medicine on grow-ing Rex rabbits. Four hundred weanling Rex rabbits with similar lactations, age in days and body weight wererandomly divided into fourgroups with 100 rabbits in each group. The four groups fed with basal diets+monen-sin(20mg/kg), basal diets+salinomycin(36mg/kg), basal diets+robenidine(98mg/kg), basal diets+diclazuril(5mg/kg) respectively. The experimental period was 60 days.Weekly feces collected and measured the numberof coccidium egg sac. Record the death from diarrhea rabbit, and measured the number of coccidium egg sacin cecum contents. The result showed as follows: there was no coccidium egg sac in feces of each groups. Mortal-ity rates were 6.0%, 3.0%, 5.0% and 8.0% respectively, and there was no coccidium egg sac in cecum contents.In conclusion, the four anticoccidiosis medicine can prevent the happening of coccidiosis, and salinomycingroup mortality was lowest among them.
作者 郅永伟 王雷 贾海军 李振海 ZHI Yong-wei WANG Lei JIA Hai-jun LI Zhen-hai(Nei Meng Gu Oong Da Rabbit Circulation Industry Research Institute, E'erduosi 014300)
出处 《中国养兔》 2016年第5期7-9,共3页 Chinese Journal of Rabbit Farming
基金 基金项目:内蒙古自治区重大科技专项(獭兔循环产业集成技术的研发与示范)
关键词 獭兔 抗球虫 球虫卵囊 死亡率 Rex rabbit Anticoccidiosis Coccidium egg sac Mortality
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