无线光通信也称为自由空间光通信(Free Space Optics),简称为FSO。文章首先介绍无线光通信技术的基本原理,在此基础上,分别从无线光通信技术的特点和优势、基本应用方式、广播电视信号的传输需求发展等方面入手,探讨无线光通信技术在广电领域中的应用。
Wireless optical communication is also called as free space optical communication (Free Space Optics), referred to as FSO. This paper firstly introduces the basic principle of FSO. Then, it explains the characteristics and advantages of FSO, the basic application mode, the development of radio and television signal transmission requirements, and discusses the application of FSO in the field of radio and television.
Radio & TV Broadcast Engineering