
及时启动基础胰岛素治疗的临床获益 被引量:2

Clinical Benefit by Basal Insulin Therapy Should be Initiated Timely
摘要 全球近1/2-1/3的糖尿病患者血糖不达标。我国未诊断的糖尿病比例高达60%,且只有25.8%的糖尿病患者接受治疗,在接受治疗的患者中,也仅有39.7%的患者血糖达标。UKPDS研究显示,新诊断T2DM患者早期进行降糖治疗,并及时启动胰岛素治疗,可带来长期的大血管获益。多项研究也证实了早期胰岛素强化治疗可带来明显的临床获益。但在胰岛素治疗时也要注意其诸如低血糖等不良反应对临床结局带来的负面影响。国内外等多个权威糖尿病指南对胰岛素的起始治疗进行了推荐。ADA和EASD认为,基础胰岛素治疗的有效性和安全性明确。多项临床研究证实,地特胰岛素疗效强,安全性好,且患者治疗满意度高。 Half to one third of patients with diabetes failed to achieve the standard rate. In China, the rate of undiagnosed diabetes had achieved to 60%. Only 26.8% patient with diabetes had received therapy whose standard rate is simply 39.7%. UKPKS(The UK Prospective Diabetes Study) showed that newly diagnosed patients with diabetes initiated early glucose-lowering treatment and insulin therapy which contributed to long-term benefit on macrovasculature. Several studies also improved that early insulin intensive therapy gained significant clinical benefits. However, adverse clinical outcome induced by side effects such as hypoglycemia should be addressed. Domestic and foreign guidelines on diabetes by authorities and associates had given recommendations to insulin initiation therapy. ADA(American diabetes association) and EASD(European Association for the Study of Diabetes) demonstrated the effectiveness and safety of basal insulin. Many clinical trials improved that insulin detemir showed both favorable effectiveness and safety, and excellent subjective satisfaction have also been achieved.
出处 《药品评价》 CAS 2016年第15期12-17,共6页 Drug Evaluation
关键词 基础胰岛素 糖尿病 2型 体重 起始 Basal Insulin Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Body Weight Initiation
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