
基于GGE分析的西北内陆棉区纤维品质生态区划分 被引量:11

Ecological regionalization of cotton fiber quality in the Northwest Inland Region using GGE analysis
摘要 本文选用2005—2014年我国棉花区域试验西北内陆早熟棉区7个和早中熟棉区10个试验点作为试验环境进行纤维品质区域分布分析。运用GGE模型划出双标图,研究西北内陆棉区的试验环境与参试品种纤维品质性状互作模式,对参试品种性状选择适宜的生态区进行探讨与划分,并基于GGE双标图对纤维物理性能指标相关性进行研究,为西北内陆棉区棉花品种区域化种植和理想试验环境选择提供依据。结果表明:(1)棉花各纤维品质性状相互之间存在着一定的相关关系,纺纱均匀性指数与长度、比强度和整齐度指数表现极显著或显著正相关。(2)西北内陆棉区早熟组纤维品质性状可划分为3个生态区:优质棉纤维生态区(精河)、普通优质纤维生态区(兵团第六师昌吉、乌苏)、普通纤维生态区(兵团第七师125团、兵团第八师121团、石河子以及敦煌)。(3)西北内陆棉区早中熟组品质性状由优质到普通亦可划分为3个生态区:优质纤维生态区(莎车、轮台、巴州、库车、疏附、兵团第一师阿拉尔13团以及新疆塔河10团)、普通优质纤维生态区(麦盖提和兵团第三师喀什)、普通纤维生态区(阿克苏)。因此西北内陆早熟棉区应在注重品种早熟性选育的基础上,注重优质纤维综合品质性状的培育,提高纤维的长度和比强度。南疆的早中熟棉区,注重推选适合机采棉的长度和比强度的棉花品种外,应精准掌握合理的棉花采摘期,提高纤维成熟度,但要注重降低马克隆值,划分优化种植区域为棉纺企业合理用棉提供多层次的原棉材料。 This paper analyzed the distribution characteristics of cotton fiber quality using environmental materials from 7 sites of early-maturing and 10 sites of medium-early maturing cotton of regional trials in the Northwest Inland in China during 2005–2014. Using the GGE model to draw biplots, cotton fiber quality performance and environmental interaction patterns and the correlation between spinning consistency index and fiber trait were explored, and the GGE biplot method was also used to zone potential ecological sub-regions. The aim of the study was to provide the basis for regional cultivation of cotton varieties, and the ideal experimental environment in the Northwest Inland for improving cotton fiber and yarn quality in the country. The research results showed that cotton fiber quality traits were correlated with each other. The spinning consistency index significantly positively correlated with fiber length, strength and index uniformity. The cultivation regions were divided into threeecological sub-regions based on cotton fiber quality in the early maturing cotton cultivation area. These sub-regions included the high quality cotton fiber ecological sub-region(i.e. Jinghe), the common high quality fiber ecological sub-region(Sixth Divisions of Agricultural Production and Construction Corps in Xinjiang, i.e., ACD6 and Usu City) and the common fiber ecological sub-region(Dunhuang, 125 Tuan of ACD7, 121 Tuan of ACD8 and Shihezi). The medium-early maturing cotton cultivation area in the Northwest Inland was also divided into three sub-regions. They were the high quality cotton fiber ecological sub-region(Yarkand, Luntai, Bazhou, Kuqa, Shufu, 13 Tuan and 10 Tuan Tahe of Alaer ACD1), the common high quality fiber ecological sub-region(Maigaiti and Kashi of ACD3) and the common fiber ecological sub-region(Aksu). It was therefore important to cultivate the early maturing cotton with good comprehensive quality traits, and to improve fiber length and strength in the early maturing cotton cultivation area of the Northwest Inland. In the medium-early maturing cotton region, cotton varieties with specific length and strength suitable for mechanical weaving requirements should be cultivated, and the harvest time also should be reasonable to increase fiber maturity and reduced micro-naire. Regionalization of optimized cultivation area for cotton spinning requirements could provide multi-level raw cotton materials in the Northwest Inland.
出处 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期1674-1682,共9页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
基金 中国农业科学院科技创新工程"棉花质量安全与风险评估"(CAAS-ASTIP-2016-CCRI)资助~~
关键词 棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L.) 纤维品质 GGE模型双标图 生态区划分 Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.) Fiber quality GGE biplot Ecological regional division
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