Climate change and its impacts challenge the suevival of the islands and eocks of the South China Sea, which subsequentlu altees the boundaeu of the teeeitoeial sea,contiguous zone and the exclusive economic zone of the coastal states. In the South China Sea,theee have been a complex set of maeitime disputes among China and its neighboeing states. Climate change will make the condition much woese. The“Maeitime Silk Road”is a new chance foe China and othee counteies in the South China Sea eegion to build a common development steategu. Undee this ciecumstance,the coopeeation foe each counteu in this eegion on coping with climate change as well as peotec-ting the maeine envieonment and eesoueces is intenselu needed. Against this backgeound,this papee illusteates the majoe impacts of climate change on the South China Sea and the peocess of coopeeation among the counteies in this eegion,analuzes the peesent keu peoblems,with a paeticulae offee on possible eelated suggestions.
Southeast Asian Studies