
辽宁省义务教育资源配置差异的时空演变分析 被引量:8

Spatio-temporal Changes of the Compulsory Education Resources Allocation Difference in Liaoning Province
摘要 构建义务教育资源配置评价指标体系,采用塞尔系数计算方法,从整体差异、地市间差异和地市内部差异研究2005—2012年辽宁省义务教育资源配置差异。结果表明:1辽宁省义务教育资源配置差异整体呈逐渐扩大的趋势,从办学条件、师资力量和资源配置方面考虑,地市间差异贡献率大于地市内,地市间发展不平衡是造成辽宁总体义务教育资源配置差异的根本原因,办学条件差异是造成义务教育资源配置差异的主要体现。2从时空演变分析看,辽宁省各地市间义务教育师资力量差异在8年间变化不大,办学条件和资源配置变化趋势一致,呈"N"型;辽宁省各地市内小学、初中义务教育资源配置差异呈现出东南部和西部(丹东、本溪、鞍山、锦州、葫芦岛、朝阳)减弱、北部和南部(铁岭、大连)平稳、中部(沈阳、抚顺、辽阳)倒"U"型变化以及西北部(阜新)和辽东湾东北岸(盘锦、营口)扩大的时空演变特征。3均衡配置教育资源,平衡区域教育资源发展,加大对薄弱地区、学校的投入力度,鼓励教师深造,实现教师流动是合理发展辽宁省义务教育资源配置的有效措施。 In this article, evaluation index system of compulsory education resources allocation was built. The differences of compulsory education resources allocation in Liaoning Province from 2005 to 2012 were calculated by Theil coefficient, including overall differences, differences between cities, and the internal differences in the city. The results are as follows:①The differences of compulsory education resources allocation in Liaoning Province as a whole is gradually growing. Consider from school condition, teacher stuff and resources allocation, the contribution rate of the difference between cities is greater than that of the internal difference in the city. The fundamental reason of compulsory education resources allocation differences is the uneven development between cities, while the differences of school condition is the mainly reflected of compulsory education resources allocation differences. ②There is little temporal changes in the differences of compulsory education teachers stuff in Liaoning Province from 2005 to 2012, the school condition and resources allocation have consistent trend of“N” type. The differences between primary school and junior high school in each cities in Liaoning Province showing the southeast and west ( Dandong, Benxi, Anshan, Jinzhou, Huludao, Chaoyang ) weaken, the north and south ( Tieling, Dalian ) smooth, the central ( Shenyang, Fushun, Liaoyang ) invert “U” type changes, the northwest ( Fuxin ) and the northeastern coast of Liaodong Bay ( Panjin and Yingkou) show an expanding spatio-temporal changes. ③ The effective countermeasures to promote development of compulsory education resources allocation in Liaoning Province include balance allocation of compulsory educational resources, balance regional development of educational resources, increase the investment in weaken areas and schools, encourage teachers for further study, achieve teacher mobility, et al.
出处 《地域研究与开发》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期21-26,共6页 Areal Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(41201114) 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目(16YJC790080) 大连市社科联重点项目(2015dlskzd078) 辽宁师范大学青年科研项目(LS2015L012)
关键词 资源配置差异 义务教育 塞尔系数 辽宁省 difference of resources allocation compulsory education Theil coefficient Liaoning Province
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