DuYiZhi is produced in the Tang dynasty in the collection, for its author, traditionally, there has been the say of Li Kang, LiYuan, LiRong, LiYin and LiKang. In fact, LiYuan, LiRong and LiYin actually was the error of LiKang. Mr LiJianguo textual research of LiKang also exists misunderstandings. DuYiZhi has only three volumes today. Exist in the XinTangShu and HanShuYiWenZhi, ChongWenZongMu and SongShiYiWenZhi. The description of 10 volumes has lost not deposit, and the book of TaiPingGuangJi and XinBianFenMenJinGuLeiShu is not the same as the existing edition of Duyizhi. TaoZongyi' s book of ShuoFu recorded in the entries for this book all Duyizhi, so speculation ten volumes of DuYiZhi about Yuan dynasty or Ming dynasty lost time.
Journal of Qilu Normal University