在传统的学困定义下,中国2亿多学生中约有3千多万学生受到学习困难的影响,累及上亿家人。由于传统学困定义混乱,Learning Disability、Learning Difficulty、Learning Disorder内涵不同,导致西方测评工具理论基础不牢,标准不一。而国内相关测评工具主要借鉴、修订西方工具,不仅缺乏理论建构,不适应中国文化;更重要的是缺乏发展性价值取向。也就是西方工具多倾向面向问题学生的病理性测评,而我们亟需的更多是教育学视域下的面向全体的发展性测评,即通过测评促进发展,优化学习。这就使得学习困难评估工具不仅对于部分学差生提供有针对性的教育、干预和辅导具有重要意义,更重要的是对全体学生减负增效、深化素质教育,更具有全局性的战略意义。本研究通过对1561名小学生的测量,编制中国小学生学习困难量表。本研究基于验证性因素分析和嵌套模型比较的方法,证实了该量表由听、说、读、拼写、写作、计算和思维七个维度组成,共55个项目。研究结果表明,该量表具有良好的信效度,可以作为中国小学生学习困难测评的初步测量工具。结合其它相关辅助评估工具,有望建立健全学习困难诊断分级、分类、分段标准及评价指标体系。
According to the traditional definitions of learning difficulties, more than 30 million out of more than 200 million Chinese students are affected by learning difficulties. The confused traditional definitions of learning difficulties, as well as the different connotations of learning disability, learning difficulty, and learning disorder, lead to Western assessment tools' unreliable theoretical basis and inconsistent standards. In China, relevant assessment tools mainly refer to and revise Western assessment tools, which lack theoretical construction, fail to conform to Chinese culture, and more importantly, lack developmental values. Unlike Western assessment tools, which are ori- ented to the pathological assessment of problem students, Chinese assessment tools urgently need more pedagogy-based developmental assessment of all students, for the purpose of promoting stu dents' development through assessment. Therefore, a scientific learning difficulty assessment tool plays an important part in providing targeted education, interventions and guidance; more importantly, it will be globally and strategically significant to all students' alleviation of learning bur dens and the deepening of well-rounded education. This study, by testing 1561 primary school stu dents, developed a learning difficulty assessment scale for Chinese primary school students. Based on confirmatory factor analysis and nested model comparison, the authors conclude that the scale involves such dimensions as listening, speaking, reading, spelling, writing, computation and think- ing, totaling 55 items. And the research results show that the scale, which has both high validity and high reliability, can be used as a preliminary tool for the assessment of Chinese primary school students' learning difficulties. Combined with other relevant auxiliary assessment tools, the scale is expected to help establish and consummate learning difficulty diagnosis-related standards for classification, stratification and subsection, as well as the system for assessment indicators.
Chinese Journal of Special Education
Chinese primary school student learning difficulties nested model comparison scale development