
基于因子分析法的海关风险管理评价分析 被引量:6

On Evaluation of Customs Risk Management on the Basis of Factor Analysis
摘要 近年来,海关风险管理平台、执法评估系统等风险分析系统逐步由理论研究走向实际应用,但依然无法满足海关大量数据的快速挖掘与使用需要,为弥补目前海关已有的研究方法对海关风险管理进行定量综合评价的不足,缓解海关风险管理的过程中缺乏将产生的数据进行科学化分析的局面。文章在现有海关风险管理研究框架的基础上,融入因子分析法,通过实例分析将数据挖掘方法运用到海关工作积累的数据当中,为海关管理决策与风险管理提供帮助。 In recent years,the Customs risk management platform,law enforcement evaluation system and other risk analysis systems have gradually gone beyond the theoretical research and applied in practices. But still those system cannot meet the demand of the Customs data mining and using featuring high volume and velocity. The customs risk management mainly adopts quantitative comprehensive evaluation in existing research methods,and as a result,the data produced in the process of risk management are not sufficiently and scientifically analyzed. In order to offset this shortcoming and inadequacy,this paper introduces factor analysis method into the existing customs risk management research and discusses how to apply data-mining to the data accumulated during the process of customs operations through real cases,so as to shed some light on customs decision-making and risk management.
出处 《海关与经贸研究》 2016年第6期27-42,共16页 Journal of Customs and Trade
关键词 海关风险管理 数据挖掘 因子分析法 Customs Risk Management Data-mining Factor Analysis
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