目的 :评估超声和数字乳腺摄影术(DM)联合鉴别乳腺良恶性肿块的价值。方法 :回顾性分析我院行DM及全乳超声检查85例女性患者影像学资料。使用SPSS 19.0软件行统计分析。结果:85例共检出96个病灶,其中恶性39个,良性57个。乳腺恶性肿块组平均年龄(47.29±10.755)岁,高于良性组的(42.64±8.108)岁(P<0.05)。DM的敏感性为76.9%,特异性为78.9%,假阳性率为21.1%,假阴性率为23.1%。超声的敏感性为74.4%,特异性75.4%,假阳性率为24.6%,假阴性率为25.6%。DM与超声联合诊断的敏感性、特异性、假阳性率、假阴性率分别为94.9%、75.4%、24.6%、5.1%。结论:DM和超声对乳腺良恶性肿块均有重要的鉴别价值。两者联合诊断可提高乳腺恶性肿块的检出率,减少漏诊。
Object:To assess differentiation of benign between malignant breast tumors by digital mammography,ultrasonography or by a combination of both. Methods:85 patients were enrolled during Jan 2010 to Dec 2015,which were all underwent mammography and ultrasonography. The digital mammography was assessed according to BI-RADS categories. Then all data were compared with pathologic results. Statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS 19.0. χ~2test was used for statistical analysis.Results:In 85 patients,96 lesions including 39 malignant lesions and 57 benign lesions were found. The average age of the malignant and benign lesions were(47.29±10.755) and(42.64±8.108),respectively;the malignant group was elder than the benign group,the discrepancy has statistic significance(P 〈0.05). The sensitivity,specificity,the fake positive rate and the fake negative rate were respectively76.9%,78.9%,21.1% and 23.1% for mammography. Ultrasonography had a sensitivity of 74.4%,a specificity of 75.4%,the fake positive rate and the fake negative rate of 24.6% and 25.6%,respectively. A combination mammography and ultrasonography had 94.9% sensitivity,75.4% specificity,24.6% fake positive rate and 5.1% fake negative rate.Conclusion:Both of specificity and sensitivity showed no statistical significance between digital mammography and ultrasonography in differentiating malignant and benign lesions. Compared with digital mammography and ultrosonogrphy,a combination of them exhibits higher sensitivity,but no statistical significances of specificity. Multimodalities can increase detection rate of malignant lesions,and reduce misdiagnosis.
Chinese Imaging Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine