Scientific and reasonable flood dispatching can effectively relieve the flood control pressure and make full use of rainwater resources. As the South to-North water transfer into Miyun reservoir storage project running, Huairou reservoir keeps high water level to ensure the project's operation in the flood season, what makes Huairou reservoir storage storage space reduces and flood control pressure increases. In addition, the lower reaches of the Huairou reservoir are close to the city of Huairou, and there are many villages in the flooded inundated area of the upper reaches. Once the disaster happened, the people's lives and property security of the upper and lower reaches will be a seriously threated. Based on the in-depth research and analysis of the "7·20" heavy rainstorm in 2016, comb its main scheduling existing problems were analyzed and put forward reasonable suggestions reference for Huairou reservoir flood dispatching in the future. measures were combed, analyze the were put forward, so as to provide
Beijing Water
Huairou reservoir
"7·20" heavy rainstorm
the flood dispatching
the South-to-North watertransfer into Miyun reservoir storage project bX ~ ~~'r~:r^z=~" I~ ~I I~=:~=:~=:~=:~=:~=:~ -^-- I"1[ ~F-II^k I^J^-^-~//~T i^t~ "~" I A Al7