
针对大规模软件定义网络的子域划分及控制器部署方法 被引量:13

Domain partition and controller placement for large scale software defined network
摘要 针对大规模软件定义网络(SDN)的多控制器部署模型计算复杂度高的问题,定义了控制链路可靠性等多个衡量网络服务质量的指标,并提出一种针对大规模SDN的子域划分及控制器部署方法。首先,该方法利用改进的标签传播算法(LPA)将网络划分成多个子域,然后在子域中分别部署控制器。在考虑控制链路平均时延、可靠性以及控制器负载均衡等多个性能指标的基础上,将问题模型的计算复杂度降低至仅与网络规模呈线性关系。实验结果表明,所提算法与原始的LPA相比,控制器负载均衡性得到明显优化;与容量受限的控制器部署(CCP)算法相比,模型的计算复杂度和网络服务质量得到明显改善:在Internet2拓扑中,控制链路平均时延最多减小9%,控制链路可靠性最多增强10%。 Concerning the high complexity of muhiple controller placement model in existing works, several metrics to improve network service quality were defined and an approach to partition network domain and implement controller placement for large scale Software Defined Network (SDN) was proposed. The network was partitioned into several domains based on Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) and then the controllers in the small domains were deployed separately, which makes the model complexity be linear with the network size on consideration of control path average latency, reliability and the load balance. Simulation results show that our strategy improves the load balance dramatically compared with the original LPA, decreases the model complexity and enhances network service quality compared with CCP. In Internet2, the average control path latency decreases by 9% and the reliability increases by 10% at most.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期3239-3243,3250,共6页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家863计划项目(2013AA013505) 国家973计划项目(2012CB315901 2013CB329104) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61572519 61502530)~~
关键词 软件定义网络 子域划分 控制器部署 社团发现 大规模网络 Software Defined Network (SDN) domain partition controller placement community detection large scale network
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