

Result of Nash equilibrium existence in GF-space
摘要 在抽象凸空间中,给出GF-空间和强Fan-Browder不动点性质的定义,并且在GF-空间中,应用抽象函数代替实值函数作为博弈支付函数,构造GF-空间中博弈模型,应用强Fan-Browder不动点性质证明GF-空间上博弈模型Nash均衡点的存在性.同时也证明了在度量空间和紧拓扑空间上的闭值KKM映射具有有限交性质. In the abstract convex space, the definitions of GF - space and property of strong Fan-Browder fixed point are given. And in GF - space, real value function is used, instead of abstract function, as game pay function to construct game model in GF space. The property of Strong Fan-Browder fixed point is used to prove the existence of Nash Equilibrium Point of game model in GF-Space and the property of finite commutation of the closed KKM mapping is proved in metric space and compact space.
作者 计伟 张珺铭 JI Wei ZHANG Jun-ming(Guizhou Polytechnic of Construction, Guiyang 551400, P. R. C.)
出处 《西南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第6期688-691,共4页 Journal of Southwest Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 GF-空间 NASH平衡点 不动点性质 博弈模型 GF - space Nash equilibrium property of fixed point game model
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