
基于阻抗分析法的多光伏逆变器接入弱电网稳定性研究 被引量:1

Research on the Stability of Multi PV Inverters Connected to Weak Grid Based on Impedance Analysis
摘要 在光伏联网逆变器并联系统中,理想并网条件下设计的逆变控制系统接入弱电网时,会出现遇到控制性能变差、甚至会出现运行不稳定等问题。本文提出了一种基于阻抗的分析方法,通过逆变器的小信号模型推导出逆变器等效阻抗,分析逆变器并联系统的稳定性,并提出了调整逆变器锁相环的设计以使系统稳定的解决方案。仿真结果验证了理论分析及提出方法的有效性和可行性。 In paralleled grid connected PV inverters system, the design of the inverter control system is connected with the weak grid, the control performance will become poor, and the operation is not stable. In this paper, a method of impedance analysis is presented, and the equivalent impedance of inverter is derived by using the small signal model of the inverter, and the stability of inverter parallel system is analyzed. System can be stabilized by changing the inverter's PLL design. Simulation results verify the validity and feasibility of the theoretical analysis and the proposed method.
出处 《电气开关》 2016年第6期27-30,34,共5页 Electric Switchgear
基金 国家自然基金项目(51277024)
关键词 光伏逆变器 等效阻抗 锁相环设计 电力系统稳定性 PV inverter equivalent impedance phase locked loop design power system stability
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