为了解常规燃煤机组碳捕集系统的技术经济性,以基准情景为基础,根据国内某10万t CO_2燃烧后捕集系统的投资情况,利用生产能力指数法对5种脱碳情景的投资进行估算。在保证内部收益率为8%的前提下,分析了5种脱碳情景的上网电价、CO_2综合减排成本及其敏感性。结果表明,CO_2综合减排成本中,厂内碳捕集成本比例最大;随着燃料价格的上涨,CO_2综合减排成本逐渐增加;随着CO_2综合收益的增加,上网电价可以逐渐下降。
In order to investigate technology and economy of carbon capture system of conventional coal-fired unit,based on the standard situation and the investment of one 105 tons of post-combustion CO2 capture system in domestic, the investments of five kinds of decarburization situation were estimated by production capacity index method. On the premise of 8% internal rate of return, the electricity prices, CO2 comprehensive cost and sensitivity of five kinds of decarburization situation were analyzed . The results showed that carbon cap- ture cost in the plant was the largest part in the total CO2 emission reduction cost. With the fuel prices rising, CO2 emission reduction cost gradually increased. With CO: comprehensive income increasing,feed-in tariff gradually declined.
Clean Coal Technology