随着服务行业在世界经济体系中地位的越发明显,在服务过程中越来越强调创造有意义的、难忘的客户体验。针对这种情况,提出CJM(Customer Journey Mapping)建模方法,该建模方法是以客户为导向的,旨在跟踪和描述客户在使用产品或接受服务中遇到的所有体验,以便提供卓越的客户服务,提高服务质量。最后利用模型驱动工程MDE(Model-Driven Engineering)技术来实现对CJM建模方法的支持,并设计实现多种CJM建模工具。实验结果表明,在相关研究领域使用MDE技术可以有效支持多种建模方法,大大缩短开发周期,具有良好的应用价值和前景。
Since the service industry is getting more dominated in the world' s economies, there is a growing emphasis in business practice on creating meaningful and memorable customer experiences. In view of this, the customer journey mapping (CJM) modeling method is proposed, which is a customer-oriented method and it is aiming to track and describe all the experiences during the service process. Based on these customers' experience, service provider can improve service quality. Finally, a feasible and efficient method which is based on model- driven engineering (MDE) is proposed to support customer journey mapping, and various CJM modeling tools are designed and implemented. The experiment results show that using MDE techniques is able to support different modeling methods and shorten the development cycle, having good application value and prospect.
Computer Applications and Software