
现代夏季奥运会早期运动训练理论与方法形成及特征 被引量:3

Formation and Characteristics of Sports Training Theory and Method in Early Modern Summer Olympic Games
摘要 为解析西方现代运动训练理论与方法的演进理路,采用文献资料法和历史研究方法,对现代夏季奥运会复兴之初的1896—1940年的运动训练理论与方法演进特征进行论述。结果:以"四体液学说"为理论基础的运动训练范式,逐渐被能量守恒、能量守恒与转化的现代物理学主导的机械论范式所取代,并将运动生理学、心理学内容纳入其中,最终才真正引发运动训练理论与方法的质的革命性飞跃。结论:以生理学为基础的运动训练理论体系逐渐向运动训练方法的应用转化,成为这一时期的主要特征,并基本界定了西方现代运动训练理论与方法"范式"。 In order to dissect the evolution way of modern sports training theory and method in the West,this paper mainly uses methods of literature review and historical research to discuss the characteristics of the evolution of sports training theory and method at the beginning of modern summer Olympic Games( 1896-1940). Results:The sports training paradigm based on "the four humors"theory was replaced by the modern physic dominating mechanistic paradigm of energy conservation,energy conservation and transformation; sports physiology and psychology were included; which ultimately caused the real reform of sports training theory and method. Conclusion:The sports training theory system based on physiology transforming to the application of training method is the main characteristic of this period,and defines the western modern sports training theory and methods "paradigm".
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期121-127,共7页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 江苏省博士后基金项目(编号:1402039C) 武汉体育学院校级教学研究项目(编号:201531)
关键词 运动训练理论与方法 能量守恒与转化 运动员心脏 生理学 sports training theory and method energy conservation and transformation athlete's heart physiology
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