
台商投资大陆的产业网络分析与启示——以台湾制鞋业投资东莞为例 被引量:2

Analysis of Industrial Network Invested by Taiwan Residents in Chinese Mainland and Its Enlightenment—Taking Taiwan Residents Shoes Industry Investment in Dongguan as an Example
摘要 台商投资大陆在当地形成的产业网络是其能够蓬勃发展的重要支撑。台湾制鞋业在广东东莞产业网络的形成,既与其以中小企业为主有关,也与台湾地区的政策引导、商誉和信用以及人际关系有关;产业网络的形成有利于台商降低交易成本、分散经营风险、提高生产技术,并保持企业间稳定的关系,保证货源的充足和供货的及时,有利于营运效率和竞争优势的提升。东莞制鞋业由于有着完善的产业网络而仍将保持较强的竞争力,但也应在区域转移的同时积极转向高端发展;中西部地区应以"全产业链"模式吸引台商投资,注重感情招商,实现产业转移从"外生性嵌入型"向"内生性根植型"的模式转变。 The industrial network locally formed by the investment of Taiwan Residents in mainland is important support for their flourishing development. The formation of the industrial network of Taiwan Residents shoe industry in Dongguan is not only mainly related to small and medium-sized enterprises but also is related to policy guide of Taiwan Residents Government, business credit and interpersonal relation, is helpful for Taiwan Residents businessmen to reduce transaction cost, to disperse business risk, to upgrade production technology, to keep stable relation between the enterprises and to ensure sufficient goods supply and in time supply of goods, and is conducive to the improvement of business efficiency and competitive advantage. Because there is complete industrial network, Dongguan shoe industry can still keep relatively strong competitiveness but should actively turn to high-end development while regional transfer. The middle and west region should use overall industry-chain mode to attract Taiwan Residents investment, attach the importance to emotional attraction of investment and realize the mode change of industrial transfer from external embedded-type to internal rooting-type.
出处 《西部论坛》 北大核心 2016年第6期65-73,共9页 West Forum
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(13BJY009) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(13JJD790047) 重庆市社会科学规划项目(2012YBJJ029) 重庆工商大学青年博士科研基金资助项目(1151005)
关键词 产业网络 台商投资 台湾制鞋业 产业转移 产业集群 交易成本 产业链集群 industrial network Taiwan Residents businessmen investment shoes industry of Taiwan Residents industrial transfer industrial cluster transaction cost industrial chain cluster
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