

Second Language Morphology:A Minimalist Perspective
摘要 二语形态问题是二语习得研究的一个中心课题,也是近年来生成语法学派研究的一个热点。以往生成语法学派采用语言习得的"逻辑问题"的框架来探讨二语习得问题,但近年来越来越多的研究表明这样的框架并不适合于二语形态问题。最简方案的提出为二语形态问题研究带来新的转机。本文首先介绍了最简方案对语言机能的设计、语言间差异的限定和语言习得任务的定位,并指出这样的理论框架特别适合于二语形态问题。随后本文重点论述词汇主义和分离假说对可学性问题的不同理解以及由此产生的对二语形态问题的两种不同研究取向。在详细分析和比较以上两种不同的观点和研究取向的的基础上,本文对二语形态问题的研究现状进行评论,并展望了今后的研究方向。 The study of second language morphology (SLM) has been a key issue in second language acquisition (SLA) and also a hot research topic in recent years among the scholars who adopt GASLA. Previous researches by GASLA scholars at- tempted to apply the framework of "the logical problem" in language acquisition to the study of SLM, but current researches have shown that this framework is not suitable for the purpose. The introduction of the Minimalist Program has brought out new perspectives. This article first describes the design of language faculty, the restriction of the differences between languages and the positioning of tasks in language acquisition that are put forward by the framework of the Minimalist Program, and highlights the point that such a theoretical framework is particularly ideal for the exploration of the issues raised in SLM. Then it focuses on the different interpretations of the learnability problem proposed by the lexicalism and the Separation Hypothesis, and makes clear that such a mismatch has led to two different approaches to the issues concerned, i.e. the syntactic approach and the in- terface approach. On the basis of a thorough literature review of the theoretical backgrounds of both the lexicalism and the Sep- aration Hypothesis and a comparison of the distinctive orientations to the study of SLM by the above two approaches, it comments on the status quo of researches in SLM and prospects for future research.
作者 邹慧民
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 CSSCI 2016年第4期64-69,共6页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
基金 2014年度全国高校外语教学科研项目"跨学科视野下的二语形态问题研究"(项目编号:2014GD0002A)的部分研究成果
关键词 最简方案 二语形态 词汇主义 分离假说 句法取向 界面取向 the Minimalist Program second language morphology lexicalism Separation Hopothesis the syntactic approach the interface approach
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