使用Plant Simulation生产系统仿真软件,针对异步随机装配线任务时间随机波动的特点,建立汽车发动机装配线模型、采用出口-后端触发控制程序,分析各工位阻塞与饥饿情况,找出瓶颈工位,将仿真产能及其波动与实际生产情况对比,验证所建模型的可行性和准确性,为降低工艺调整对产能的影响和提前预判新工艺方案的性能提供保证。
Aiming at the unpaced engine assembly lines with random buffer, the model of engine assembly line is established with the export -backend control program. The blocking and starving and bowl - phenomenon of the unpaced system are analyzed by the application of Plant Simulation. The simulation result is compared with the actual production data, and the feasibility and accuracy of the simulation is verified. It could prospectively reduce the bad influence on the production system and verify the performance of a new process plan.
Shanghai Auto