The circulationbackground, water vapor condition and dynamic conditions of the regional snow storm weather process in South-Tibet on February 16 - 18 in 2013 were synthetically analyzed by using the routine upper and surface meteorological data, the physical quantity field data of T639 numerical forecast and satellite cloud images. The results showed that theregional snow storm was caused by the front south-west wind speed convergence of Southern Branch Trough 1 short wave trough of North Branch Trou eading to the warm current moving into the Tibetan Plateau and the gh divisionmoving to south. Physical quantities diagnostic analysis showed that there werewater vapor flux, water vapor flux divergence field, divergence field, vorticity field and vertical motion field during the regional snow storm process indicating the existence of a large amount of water va- por transport and convergence at the edge of the Southern Tibetand strong rising movement. These are favorable conditions for the formation of snow storm weather in the region.
Southern Tibet
regional snow storm
diagnosis analysis