主要采用福林酚法对茶叶水中总多酚含量进行测定,着重研究在不同冲泡温度的情况下,不同的冲泡时间对茶多酚含量的影响。结果表明,当冲泡温度为85℃,绿茶在冲泡时间为25 min时,茶多酚含量最高,为25.27μg/m L;乌龙茶在冲泡时间为20 min时,茶多酚含量最高,为15.82μg/m L;红茶在冲泡时间为25 min时,茶多酚含量达到最高,为8.01μg/m L;当冲泡温度为90℃,绿茶在冲泡时间为10 min时,茶多酚含量达到最高,为21.09μg/m L;乌龙茶在冲泡时间为15 min时,茶多酚含量达到最高,为15.66μg/m L;红茶在冲泡时间为15 min时,茶多酚含量最高,为10.52μg/m L;当冲泡温度为95℃,绿茶冲泡时间为5 min时,茶多酚含量达到最高,为24.19μg/m L;乌龙茶冲泡时间为15 min时,茶多酚含量达到最高,为15.49μg/m L;红茶在冲泡时间为15 min时,茶多酚含量达到最高,为7.97μg/m L。通过对茶叶水中茶多酚含量变化的研究,帮助人们更好地建立良好的饮茶习惯,并更加有效地利用茶叶中的有益成分茶多酚。
The experiment mainly adopts the folin method to measure the polyphenol content of tea water and emphatically studies the effects of different brewing time on tea polyphenol content in the case of different brewing temperature. The results show that when brewing temperature is 85 ℃, Green tea has the highest tea polyphenol content(25.27 μg/m L)after brewing 25 min, Oolong tea has the highest tea polyphenol content(15.82 μg/m L)after brewing 20 min, Black tea has the highest tea polyphenol content(8.01 μg/m L)after brewing 25 min. When brewing temperature is 90 ℃, Green tea has the highest tea polyphenol content(21.09 μg/m L)after brewing10 min, Oolong tea has the highest tea polyphenol content(15.66 μg/m L)after brewing 15 min, Black tea has the highest tea polyphenol content(10.52 μg/m L)after brewing 15 min. When brewing temperature is 95 ℃, Green tea has the highest tea polyphenol content(24.19 μg/m L)after brewing 5 min, Oolong tea has the highest tea polyphenol content(15.49 μg/m L)after brewing 15 min, Black tea has the highest tea polyphenol content(7.97 μg/m L)after brewing 15 min. Through the researches on the change of the tea polyphenol content in tea water, it can help people establish better habits of drinking tea, and more effective use of the beneficial ingredients in tea—tea polyphenol.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
brewing time
content of total polyphenols