本文提出用亚甲基蓝作氧化剂褪色光度法测定L -抗坏血酸的新方法。亚甲基蓝与抗坏血酸混合后 ,固定时间间隔在 61 4nm测得吸光度A值的变化 ,ΔA与抗环血酸含量成线性关系。线性范围为 0— 0 .688mg/ 2 5mL。本法在适宜的测定条件下干扰少。且有较高灵敏度 ,操作简便 ,是测定食品中L—抗坏血酸的一种较好的方法。
This article gives a new method for the determination of L-ascoric acid in food by spectrophotometry.Methylene blue is acted as an oxidizing agent and EDIA is used as an extractant to decrease the oxidation reat of ascorbic acid.The L-ascorbic acid and Methylene blue are mixed and the absorbance at 614 is recorded after 10-min's heation at 80 ?C.The method has high sensitivity and the reagents are available.The results indicate it is a good method for the determination of L-ascorbic available.The results indicate it is a good method for the determination of L-ascorbic acid in fruit and vegetable.
Jiangxi Chemical Industry