目的统计分析宿州市立医院药品不良反应发生规律、特点,为临床合理用药提供参考依据。方法收集宿州市立医院2015年下半年各科室上报的药品不良反应(ADR)报告627例,利用Excel软件进行回顾性统计分析。结果 627例ADR报告中一般不良反应450例(71.77%),新的一般的不良反应177例(28.23%),无严重不良反应/事件发生;男性365例(58.21%),女性262例(41.79%),各年龄段的男性ADR发生率均高于女性ADR发生率;60岁以上老人有260例(41.47%),占比最大;ADR发生率最高的给药途径为静脉滴注573例(91.39%),其次是静脉注射17例(2.71%)和口服15例(2.39%);以消化系统损害212例(33.81%)最为常见;抗感染药物引起的ADR为179例(28.55%),维生素、电解质和营养药物类引起的ADR为106例(16.91%);神经系统用药引起的ADR为103例(16.43%);中成药引起的ADR为77例(12.28%)亦不能忽视。结论提高ADR系统监测性能,保证临床合理用药,降低不良反应发生率,需要医药护的共同努力。
Objective To investigate characteristics of the adverse drug reactions( ADRs) in Suzhou Municipal Hospital and to provide references for clinical drug use. Methods The 627 cases of ADR reported in the second half year of 2015 were collected and summarized by Excel. Results The 627 cases of ADR reports were classified into general category( 450 cases,71. 77%) and new general category( 177 cases,28. 23%). No severe ADRs were reported. The incidence for males( 365 cases,58. 21%) was higher than for females( 262 cases,41. 79%) in every age group. Population over 60 years old accounted for the largest proportion( 260 cases,41. 47%). The highest rate of method leading to ADRs was intravenous drip( 573 cases,91. 39%),followed by intravenous injection( 17 cases,2. 71%) and oral administration( 15 cases,2. 39%). Among ADRs involving organs and/or systems,digestive system was most commonly damaged( 212 cases,33. 81%). ADRs induced by anti-infective drugs ranked first( 179 cases,28. 55%),followed by ADRs caused by vitamins,electrolytes and nutrition drugs( 106 cases,16. 91%) and the nervous system drugs( 103 cases,16. 43%).Moreover,attention should be paid to ADR resulted from traditional Chinese medicine( 77 cases,12. 28%). Conclusions The occurrence of ADRs is unavoidable due to the extension of drug's inherent attribute. Only by holding the efforts of doctor,nurse and pharmacist together,the ADRs supervision system may be perfected,the rational use of drugs in clinical could be promoted and the incidence of ADRs would be lowered.
Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal