针对塔河油田储层埋藏深,常规泵因下深有限无法满足深抽开采的难题,研制了深抽杆式泵。该泵的游动阀罩采用加强型分体式结构,并在排油阀体上设计了长短不一的出油槽,以提高阀罩的承载能力和抗疲劳强度;采用底部机械和皮碗双密封、双锁固结构,密封效果好;泵筒外部增加由支撑管和加固支承环组成的扶正机构,对泵筒起到支承和扶正的作用,同时还可以提高泵筒强度和泵效。在现场6井次试验中,最深泵挂可达4 000 m,满足油田深抽采油的需要。该泵的研制成功有助于油层埋藏深、能量低、渗透性差和注水效果差的油藏开采。
To address the issue that the conventional rod pump cannot meet the requirement of deep pumping in deep carbonate reservoir of Tahe Oilfield, the deep pumping rod pump has been developed. The pump traveling valve cover adopts enhanced separate structure, and the discharge valve body has been designed with discharge grooves with different length, so as to improve the bearing capacity of the anti-fatigue strength of valve cover. The sealing effect is enhanced with the bottom mechanical and cup dual seal and dual-locking structure. The external cylinder is added with the centralizing device composed of support tube and reinforcement supporting ring, so as to support and centralize the pump cylinder. On the other hand, through the oil hole in the supporting ring, so as to balance the inner and outer pressure of the pump cylinder, eliminate the cylinder expansion deformation and im-prove the pump cylinder strength and pump efficiency. In the 6 well field tests, the deep pumping rod pump has a good performance with the deepest pump setting depth up to 4 000 m, meeting the requirements of deep pumping in Tahe OiKield. The successful development of the pump is favorable for the exploitation of the oil reservoirs with deep bury, low energy, poor permeability and poor water injection performance.
China Petroleum Machinery
rod pump
deep well pumping
pump setting depth
pump efficiency
Tahe Oilfield