The kidnapping behavior for debt refers to the behavior of obtaining the so-called 'debt' as the reason, the actor illegally kidnaps the debtor or his stakeholder and puts their safety as a threat for the purpose of forcing the stakeholder or the debtor himself to repay the so-called 'debt'. Generally, the above behavior is usually penalized as the crime of illegal detention according to our current Criminal Law. However, there is no denying that it is inextricably linked with the crime of kidnapping. At present, there is a lot of discussion about how to define the existence of the 'debt' in criminal practice, but the reason for the legislation and the thinking of its rationality are rarely discussed. Based on the relevant provisions of the current laws of our nation, the authors challenge the rationality of the practice that the kidnapping behavior for debt can be uniformly excluded as the crime of kidnapping, and propose amendments with the hope that it can be beneficial to the perfection of our national legislation.
Tianjin Legal Science
the kidnapping behavior for debt
the crime of kidnapping
the crime of illegal detention