

摘要 目的:总结再次剖宫产阴道试产的人性化护理体会.方法:选择我院200例再次剖宫产阴道试产产妇作为研究对象,对照组给予常规护理,观察组给予人性化护理.结果:观察组的剖宫产率、术中出血量、并发症发生率、第一产程时间等指标均显著优于对照组,组间比较差异均具有统计学意义(P〈0.05).结论:严格掌握阴道试产的适应症和禁忌,给予产妇优质的人性化护理是保障阴道试产成功的关键. objective: to summarize the cesarean delivery vaginal trial production of humanized nursing experience again. Methods: from 200 cases of cesarean section again vaginal trial production women as the research object, the control group given routine nursing care, observation group was given the humanized nursing. Results: the observation group of cesarean section rate, intraoperative blood loss, complications, such as the first labor time index were significantly better than the control group, compare the differences between groups were statistically significant (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: the strict control of vaginal trial production indication and contraindication, giving women the humanized nursing quality is the guarantee key to the success of vaginal trial production.
机构地区 十堰市人民医院
出处 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2016年第A02期1145-1145,共1页 Journal of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
关键词 再次剖宫产 阴道试产 人性化护理 临床效果 cesarean section again Vaginal trial production Humanized nursing Clinical effect
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