目的:探讨β-肾上腺素受体(β-AR)激动剂异丙基肾上腺素(ISO)2种给药模式对小鼠心脏腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)活性的影响,以及AMPK激动剂在这2种模式中对心脏结构和功能的不同作用。方法:采用皮下植入微渗透压泵的方法给予雄性BALB/c小鼠持续14 d输注ISO(5 mg·kg^(-1)·d^(-1))以及每日皮下注射AMPK激动剂AICAR(250 mg·kg^(-1)·d^(-1))。分别于植入泵14 d后和植入泵14 d并撤泵3 d后,利用超声心动图和血流动力学方法检测心脏功能并收集心脏样本。Western blot检测AMPK的磷酸化水平。结果:持续输注ISO14 d后心脏AMPK的磷酸化水平较对照组明显增加(P<0.05),AICAR并不进一步增加AMPK磷酸化水平,反而有减少ISO引起的心脏AMPK磷酸化水平增加的趋势。AICAR明显抑制ISO引起的心脏重量增加。反映心脏收缩功能的左室短轴缩短率(FS)和左心室压力最大上升速率(+dp/dt_(max))在ISO组显著高于对照组(P<0.05),AICAR并不进一步增加心脏收缩功能。反映心脏舒张功能的左室舒张末压(LVEDP)在各组并无明显改变。持续输注异丙基肾上腺素14 d并撤泵3 d后心脏AMPK的磷酸化水平与对照组的差异无统计学显著性。AICAR明显抑制ISO引起的心脏重量增加。+dp/dt_(max)在ISO组明显低于对照组(P<0.05),提示收缩功能下降。AICAR+ISO组与ISO组相比,有增加+dp/dt_(max)的趋势。反映心脏舒张功能的LVEDP在ISO组明显升高(P<0.05),提示舒张功能明显降低。而AICAR则显著改善了ISO引起的舒张功能异常(P<0.05)。给予ISO后,AMPK磷酸化水平增加和心率增加的时间曲线一致,均为5 min开始升高,30 min开始下降至基础水平。结论:β-AR持续激动使AMPK活性持续升高,而撤泵后AMPK活性则降至对照水平。观察AMPK激动对心脏功能的改善作用需避免β-AR激动引起的正性变时变力效应的干扰。
AIM:To investigate the cardiac AMP-activated protein kinase( AMPK) activity and the effects of AMPK activator on cardiac structure and function in the mice with different β-adrenoceptor( β-AR) stimulation patterns.METHODS:Male BALB/c mice were subcutaneously injected with AMPK activator( AICAR,250 mg· kg^-1·d^-1) or saline,and infused with β-AR agonist isoproterenol( ISO,5 mg·kg^-1·d^-1) for 14 d.The cardiac functions were evaluated by echocardiography or hemodynamic method,and the hearts were harvested after infusion cessation immediately or 3 d later.Phosphorylated AMPK( p-AMPK) was measured by Western blot.RESULTS:Sustained ISO infusion increased pAMPK level.AICAR did not further increase p-AMPK but attenuated ISO-induced increase in heart weight.Sustained ISO infusion increased cardiac systolic function as indicated by left ventricular fractional shortening( FS) and maximum rate of pressure rise( + dp/dt_(max)).The cardiac systolic function was not further increased by AICAR.The cardiac diastolic function as indicated by left ventricular end-diastolic pressure( LVEDP) was not different in each group.In contrast,cardiac p-AMPK level was similar between the control mice and the mice with sustained ISO infusion and ceased infusion for 3 d.In this model,AICAR improved the cardiac systolic and diastolic functions,which were impaired by ISO.Moreover,the increased pattern of p-AMPK level was similar with that of heart rate upon ISO stimulation.CONCLUSION:Sustained ISO infusion increases p-AMPK.After ISO infusion cessation for 3 d,p-AMPK is decreased to the basal level.β-AR-induced inotropic effects should be avoided to investigate the cardioprotective role of AMPK activation in the β-AR stimulation models.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology