As the widening gap between the income of urban and rural residents, the contradiction between the equal tuition fees standard and the principle of sharing the costs of higher education is very prominent, especially in rural families. Based on the survey data of undergraduates in S University and by using quantitative calculation and regression analysis models, this paper studies higher educational burden rate of college students from urban and rural families and the influencing factors. The conclusions are as follows. Firstly, there are conspicuous differences in household higher educational burden rate between urban and rural families. The figure is 13.11%and 26.64%respectively. Secondly, household disposable income and college students’ individual and family characteristics affect household higher educational burden rate to different extent, among which household disposable income is a decisive factor. Thirdly, the household income gaps between urban and rural families is a decisive influencing factor on the rate of burden. Therefore, following measures could be adopted. First, it is necessary to change the traditional pattern of higher educational tuition payment model. For example, college students are supposed to share more costs of higher education by themselves. Second, we need to put the higher educational differential charge system into use, formulate flexible college tuition fees standard, and strengthen compensation and assistance for college students from rural areas. Third, the government might as well introduced preferential policies to narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas, guide and help increase rural families' income so as to reduce the higher educational burden on rural households.
Journal of Soochow University(Educational Science Edition)
household higher educational burden rate
differences between urban and rural areas
educational fairness