

Analysis and optimization of ZigBee network routing algorithm based on effective data transmission
摘要 针对AODVjr算法在使用中出现网络拥塞、丢包、部分节点承载负荷过重等现象,提出了基于能量有效的改进型AODVjr路由算法,并提出将某一节点或部分节点的能量消耗降低并分摊到整个网络,提高了整个网络的能量有效性,达到延长网络使用寿命的目的。 This paper based on the analysis and research of AODVjr algorithm, on the algorithm in use: network congestion, packet loss, and part of the node bearing overload phenomenon, put forward an improved AODVjr routing algorithm based on energy efficient, and proposed a node or node energy consumption is reduced and allocated to the entire network, improve the method of the whole network energy efficiency, prolong the service life of the network.
作者 卞勇
出处 《佛山科学技术学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第6期44-47,共4页 Journal of Foshan University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 AODVjr算法 承载负荷 能量有效性 使用寿命 AODVjr algorithm load capacity energy efficiency service life
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