
非酒精性脂肪性肝病中医体质辨识及益肾运脾、化痰泄浊法的干预作用 被引量:11

Study on the Intervention Effect of TCM Constitution Identification of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Method of Nourishing Kidney and Activating Spleen and Method of Resolving Phlegm and Relieving Turbidity
摘要 目的:对非酒精性脂肪肝(nonalcohol fatty liver disease,NAFLD)进行中医体质辨识,选取特定的体质类型,采用益肾运脾、化痰泄浊法进行干预研究,并观察其效果。方法:收集211例符合条件的NAFLD患者,采用专业体质辨识软件进行中医体质辨识,对辨识结果中符合痰湿质、湿热质及夹杂气虚质的患者,采用益肾运脾、化痰泄浊法进行干预作用研究,并观察其效果。结果:211例NAFLD中九种体质均有,痰湿质>气虚质>湿热质>阴虚质>血瘀质>平和质>阳虚质>气郁质>特禀质。其中痰湿质、湿热质及夹杂气虚质的对象共有94例,经干预研究后,在痰湿质中,痊愈59例,占62.77%,显效14例,占14.89%,无效2例,占2.13%。湿热质中,痊愈16例,占17.02%,显效2例,占2.13%,无效1例,占1.06%。结论:NAFLD的中医体质类型以痰湿质、湿热质及夹杂气虚质为多,符合传统中医临床的认识,益肾运脾、化痰泄浊法对痰湿质、湿热质及夹杂气虚质的NAFLD疗效较为满意。 Objective:To carry, out TCM constitution identification of non alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD), select the specific: type of constitution, intervene it by using method of nourishing kidney and activating spleen, and method of resolving phlegm and relieving turbidity, and observe its effect. Methods:Collecting 211 cases with NAFLD who met the c, nnditions, carrying out TCM constitution identifieation with professional physical identification software,using method of nourishing kidney and activating spleen, and meth- od of resolving phlegm and relieving turbidity to intervene the patients who belonged to constitution of phlegm dampness or consti- tution of damp heat or constitution of inclusion qi deficiency,then observing its effect. Results:Among the 211 cases of NAFLD, There were nine kinds of constitutions: phlegm dampness, qi defieiency, dampness heat, yin deficiency, blood stasis, mild type, yang deficiency,qi stagnation and the intrinsic quality. And 94 cases belonged to constitution of phlegm dampness or constitution of damp heat or conslitution of inclusion qi deficiency. After intervention,among the cases with constitution of phlegm dampness, 59 cases (62.77%) were cured ; 14 ( 14.89% ) were markedly effective ;2 ( 2.13% ) were ineffective, among the cases with con- stitution of damp heat, 16 cases ( 17.02% ) were cured;2 (2.13%) were markedly effective;1 ( 1.06% ) was ineffective. Con- clusion:Among NAFLD TCM constitution,constitution of phlegm dampness or constitution of damp heat or constitution of inclu- sion qi deficiency account for the largest proportion,conforms to understanding of traditional Chinese medicine clinical practice. Method of nourishing kidney and activating spleen, or method of resolving phlegm and relieving turbidity has a remarkable clinical curative effect on them.
出处 《河南中医》 2016年第12期2120-2123,共4页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 第二批江苏省优秀中青年中医临床人才研修项目{编号:苏中医政[2012]51号} 江苏省中医药局课题(编号:YX1209)
关键词 非酒精性脂肪肝 痰湿质 湿热质 气虚质 益肾运脾 化痰泄浊法 nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) constitution of phlegm dampness constitution of damp heat constitutionof qi deficiency method of nourishing kidney and activating spleen,resolving phlegm and relieving turbidity
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