目的:系统评价长链非编码RNA(long noncoding RNA,lnc RNA)转移相关性肺腺癌转录因子1(metastasisassociated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1,MALAT1)作为一种新型生物标志物判断肿瘤预后的潜在价值。方法:计算机检索Cochrane Library,Medline,Embase,Pub Med等数据库中从建库到2015年8月1日前关于lnc RNA MALAT1表达与肿瘤患者总生存期相关性的英文文献。由2名研究者根据纳入与排除标准对文献进行独立筛选、提取资料和评价质量后,采用Rev Man 5.3软件进行Meta分析。结果:最终纳入10篇文献,共1 016例患者。Meta分析结果显示lnc RNA MALAT1的高表达与肿瘤患者的低总生存期密切相关(HR=2.08,95%CI:1.74~2.48,P〈0.001)。结论:Lnc RNA MALAT1可作为一种判断肿瘤预后的新型生物标志物。
Objective: To systematically review the potential value of long noncoding RNA(lnc RNA) metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1(MALAT1) as a potential novel prognostic biomarker in cancers.Methods: Databases including Cochrane Library, Medline, Embase, Pub Med databases were searched for all English studies, which explored the correlation between lnc RNA MALAT1 expression and overall survival in tumors. Th e retrieval time was from inception to August 1, 2015. Two reviewers independently screened literature according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, extracted data, and assessed methodological quality. Then, Meta-analysis was performed usingRevM an 5.3 software.Results: Ten studies covered a total of 1 016 patients. Meta-analysis showed that high expression of MALAT1 was significantly correlated to poor overall survival(OS) in patients with tumor(HR= 2.08, 95% CI 1.74 to 2.48, P0.001). Conclusion: Lnc RNA MALAT1 might be a potential novel prognostic biomarker in tumor.
Journal of Central South University :Medical Science