3Alan Bilton,An Introduction to Contemporary American Fiction[M].Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,2002.
4Timothy Parrish,"Introduction" [A].in The Cambridge Companion to American Novelists [C].edited by Timothy Parrish.New York:Cambridge University Press,2013.xvii-xxxiv.
5Susanne Rohr,"‘The Tyranny of the Probable'-Crackpot Realism and Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections" [J].Amerikastudien/American Studies,Vol.49,No.1,(2004),103.
6Leo Robson,"‘I Feel Your Pain,' the Diffieulty of Being Jonathan Franzen"[J].New Statesman 27(September 2010).75.
7Peter Boxall,Twenty-First-Century Fiction:A Critical Introduction [M].New York:Cambridge University Press,2013.123.