目的通过对海拉尔区3000例健康体检妇女实施子宫颈癌筛查细胞学检查,对细胞学检查结果和病理活检结果的回顾性分析。探讨由液基薄层细胞制片技术,改良巴氏染色技术,TBS-2001版报告系统构成的子宫颈癌筛查的细胞学检查方法在实际工作中遇到的问题及解决方法。方法对3000例健康体检妇女进行子宫颈癌细胞学筛查。采用国产化的液基薄层细胞制片技术制片,改良巴氏染色法染色,TBS-2001版报告系统报告结果,对子宫颈癌筛查细胞学检查结果中"非典型鳞状细胞-意义不明确"(ASC-US)以上的阳性病例进行阴道镜指示下的活检,做病理组织学检查。结果 3000例的子宫颈细胞学标本中153例结果异常,阳性率为5.1%。子宫颈细胞学检查结果与病理组织活检结果有着较好的符合率。结论由液基薄层细胞制片技术、改良巴氏染色及TBS-2001版报告系统构成的子宫颈液基细胞学筛查方法在应用于基层医疗机构开展的子宫颈癌筛查工作中要充分考虑到在制片和阅片的相关影响因素,做好细胞学检测的质量控制。使这一细胞学筛查方法在子宫颈癌的早发现、早诊断、早治疗中起到更好的作用。
Objective Through the implementation of cervical cancer screening cytology of Hailar District, 30 cases of healthy women and of cytology and biopsy results were retrospectively analyzed. Study of ThinPrep cytology and modified Papanicolaou staining technique. TBS-2001 version of the report system is composed of cervical cancer screening by cytological examination of practical work encountered problems and solutions. Method 3000 cases of healthy women were screened for cervical cancer cytology. The Localization of the liquid based cytology producer, modified Papanicolaou staining, TBS-2001 version report system of the, on cervical cancer screening cytology results "atypical squamous cell of meaning is not clear" (ASC-US) or more positive cases vaginal mirror indicating the biopsy, histopathological examination. Results 153 cases of cervical cytology in 3000 cases of abnormal results, the positive rate was 5.1%. The results of cervical cytology and biopsy results were in good accordance with the results. Conclusion By Thin Prep cytology, modified Papanicolaou staining and TBS-2001 version of the report system consisting of a liquid based cervical cytology screening methods in application to the grassroots medical institutions to carry out the cervical cancer screening to fully take into account in production and reading related influence factors to prepare cytology for the detection of quality control. In the early detection of cervical cancer, early diagnosis and early treatment play a better role in the cytological screening method.
Guide of China Medicine
Cervical cancer
Quality control