Negative Planning Approach is a reverse spatial pLanning method which gives priority to preserving and planning nonurban development area. Taking landscape security pattern as its methodoLogicaL base, Negative PLanning Approach is a rigid framework to control urban growth, aiming to develop ecoLogicaL infrastructure plans as its planning strategy and results, and establishing a green network which can ensure national territorial security and ecosystem services. This article reviews the concept and theories of Negative PLanning Approach and elaborates its new theoretical advances in the fields of spatial planning and protection planning of national territory, sponge city construction, new urbanization, and new rural construction. Then it further reviews the application and exploration of Negative Planning Approach in the past decade. FinaLly, this article points out the insufficiency of the current research on Negative PLanning Approach, and puts forward prospects including the combination of Negative PLanning Approach with conventional planning methods, strengthening quantitative evidence-based study, taking urban self-organized growth and inventory renewal into consideration, and enhancing related management and implementation.
Landscape Architecture Frontiers
Negative Planning Approach
Landscape Security Pattern Ecological Infra,structure
New Urbanization
Ecotogical Civilization