
臭氧耦合ASBR/SBR控氮磷污泥减量化水处理工艺 被引量:4

Combined ozonation-ASBR/SBR sludge reduction with simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus for wastewater treatment
摘要 针对传统污泥减量化工艺中氮磷难以达标的问题,以ASBR/SBR组合工艺为基础辅助臭氧氧化预处理,提出了臭氧耦合ASBR(anaerobic sequencing batch reactor)/SBR(sequencing batch reactor)工艺实现污泥减量与氮磷协同控制,系统评价了该工艺对污泥减量和脱氮除磷效果。结果表明,未投加臭氧时,SBR的污泥表观产率系数Yobs(即降解每克COD产生的悬浮固体的量)均值为0.228 g·g^(-1),投加臭氧(投量为0.074 g·g^(-1))后Yobs均值降低至0.132 g·g^(-1),降低了42%;臭氧投加前后出水COD、NH+4-N、TN和PO3-4-P去除率变化不大,分别在91%、95.2%、74.7%和49.4%左右;投加臭氧使得SOUR(specific oxygen uptake rate)(即每小时每克污泥所需氧气量)由2.8 mg·(g·h)^(-1)降低至2.4 mg·(g·h)^(-1),表明臭氧氧化并未明显抑制生物活性;此外,投加臭氧使得MLVSS/MLSS由0.85降低至0.83,表明实验过程中未发现惰性物质的累积。实验结果表明,臭氧耦合ASBR/SBR工艺在实现污泥减量和控制氮磷方面具有一定的工程应用价值。 For effluents whose nitrogen and phosphorus levels barely meet the domestic wastewater discharge standards following most sludge reduction processes,a new combined process,i. e.,a combination of ozonation-ASBR( anaerobic sequencing batch reactor)/SBR( sequencing batch reactor) sludge reduction with simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal,was put forward based on the combined technology of ASBR/SBR and ozonation pretreatment. The sludge reduction and nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiencies of this new technology were investigated in this study. The experimental results showed that the average sludge apparent productivity coefficiency Yobsof the SBR decreased from 0. 228 to 0. 132 g·g^-1as the ozone dose increased from 0to 0. 074 g·g^-1,for a reduction of 42%. Under the above mentioned ozonation conditions,the removal efficiencies of the effluent COD,NH+4-N,TN,and PO3-4-P only changed slightly and were 91%,95. 2%,74. 7%,and 49. 4%,respectively. The SOUR( specific oxygen uptake rate) of the SBR decreased from 2. 8 to 2. 4 mg·( g·h)^-1due to the ozonation,and the SBR microbial activity was not influenced much by the ozonation. Moreover,the ratio of MLVSS to MLSS also decreased from 0. 85 to 0. 83,showing that no inert matter had accumulated during the sludge reduction process. These results show that the combined ozonation-ASBR/SBR technology has certain engineering value for sludge reduction and simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal.
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期7051-7056,共6页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 中国环境科学研究院中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项(2007KYYW10)
关键词 ASBR/SBR 臭氧耦合 污泥减量 控氮磷 ASBR/SBR combined ozonation sludge reduction the control of nitrogen and phosphorus
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