
接种抗酸化复合菌对餐厨废弃物堆肥酸化缓解及腐殖化的影响 被引量:14

Effects of Anti-Acidification Microbial Agents(AAMA) on Reducing Acidification and Promoting Humification during Kitchen Waste Composting
摘要 为研究接种抗酸化复合菌(包括假单胞菌、芽孢杆菌、唾液乳杆菌、Dysgonomonas、Aeribacillus pallidus)对餐厨废弃物堆肥过程中有机酸降解、腐殖化进程的影响.以餐厨废弃物和稻壳为堆肥原料,抗酸化复合菌为接种菌,设置T1(接种抗酸化复合菌)和CK(对照)2个试验组,对堆肥温度、pH、DOM(水溶性有机物)、有机酸代谢酶等指标进行了分析.结果表明:抗酸化复合菌能有效缓解堆肥初期酸化抑制作用,使堆肥快速进入高温期且持续时间可达7 d,T1组高温期峰值温度为64℃,而CK组仅为59℃且高温时间不能持续;堆肥1 d后,CK组pH由初始的5.68迅速降至4.42,下降了22%,T1组pH变化不明显;从蛋白酶种类来看,CK组仅检测到与丙酸、乙酸代谢相关的丙酮酸脱氢酶、乌头酸水合酶,而T1组除上述两种酶外,还检测到乙醛脱氢酶、乙酰辅酶A合成酶和苹果酸合成酶,接种抗酸化复合菌增加了有机酸代谢相关酶种类,并有效缓解了堆肥初期酸化的问题.研究显示,堆肥结束时,T1、CK组DOM中代表胡敏酸类物质的积分标准体积占总积分标准体积的比例分别为57.8%、44.0%,接种抗酸化复合菌系使DOM中腐殖酸比例增加了31.4%,促进了DOM腐殖化,T1组堆肥腐殖质碳相比CK组提高了66.67%,促进了腐殖质合成. In this study,we focus on elucidating the effects of inoculating anti-acidification microbial agents( AAMA,compound bacteria,including pseudomonas,bacillus,Lactobacillus saliva,Dysgonomonas,Aeribacillus pallidus) on the process of degradation and humification of organic kitchen waste. Inoculation with AAMA as T1 treatment,while control treatment( CK treatment) without inoculation. The factors such as temperature,pH,dissolved organic matter( DOM) and enzymes control organic acid metabolism were surveyed and analyzed.Our results show that AAMA effectively alleviated the acidification suppression during the initial decomposition stage and promoted the entry of high-temperature stage which maintained for 7 days. The peak temperature of the T1 treatment was 64 ℃,however the CK treatment only was 59 ℃ and could not be sustained. After 1-day composting,the pH of CK treatment rapidly decreased from the initial5. 68 to 4. 42(- 22%),however,the pH of T1 treatment did not exhibit a significant difference( 5. 88 to 5. 78). In respect to species of protease,only pyruvate dehydrogenase and aconitic hydratase,which are related to propionic acid and acetic acid metabolism,were detected in CK treatment. In T1 treatment,however, in addition to these two enzymes, aldehyde dehydrogenase,acetyl coenzyme A synthetase and malate synthasewere detected,as well. Studies shown that the proportion of total integral standard volume for humic acids of DOM of T1 and CK treatments were 57. 8% and 44. 0% at the end of composting,which was increased by 31. 4%. The proportion of humic acid in DOM was increased and the DOM humification was promoted by inoculation with AAMA. The humus carbon of T1 treatment increased 66. 67%compared with CK treatment. Our data support the conclusion that inoculation with AAMA effectively is an effective method to increase the species of organic acid metabolism related enzymes,therefore alleviates the acidification at the initial composting stage.
出处 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期1887-1894,共8页 Research of Environmental Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51408572)
关键词 堆肥 抗酸化复合菌系 腐殖化 DOM 胡敏酸 composting acid-based strains humification DOM humic acid
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