Modular multilevel converter, designed for various types of high voltage and high power applications, has a promising future. Its surface circuit is relatively simple, but it can meet the internal dynamic requirements for the converter and fulfill the high requirements of the sub - modules capacitor volt- age balance for the system in different ways. To illustrate this point and provide directions for future re- search, this paper proposed four different control modes and modulation methods. The research, with the main content focusing on the dynamic change of the sub - module voltage and the loop current, was con- ducted on the basis of the experiment, in which the converter was lowered to IOkVA with ten sub modules in each phase arm. It showed in the experiment that the fastest voltage response could be obtained with the open loop control mode. Compared with the method that each sub- module uses a dedicated voltage con- troller, this sorting algorithm for balance is much faster and more convenient.
Machinery & Electronics
modular multilevel converter
controller evaluation
feedback control
open loop control