
茂兰喀斯特森林不同演替阶段优势乔木种群结构与分布格局 被引量:13

Analysis on structure and distribution pattern of dominant arbor population at different succession stages of karst forest in Maolan natural reserve
摘要 以贵州茂兰国家级喀斯特森林自然保护区3个演替阶段的乔木层优势种群为研究对象,通过典型样方调査,对种群结构进行分析,并运用C、I、I_δ、M*、M*/M、C_A、K等聚集度指标测定种群空间分布格局。结果表明:樟叶槭和革叶铁榄在整个演替序列的胸径形状均为L型,其中樟叶槭的分布格局为聚集分布-泊松分布-随机分布,革叶铁榄除了演替中期的分布格局接近泊松分布外,演替早期和晚期都是聚集分布;香港四照花的胸径形状在整个演替阶段均为间歇型其分布格局均为聚集分布,柿树和青冈栎的胸径形状均为演替早期L型,演替中期和晚期为间歇型,柿树的分布格局是聚集分布-泊松分布-随机分布,青冈栎整个演替阶段都是聚集分布;轮叶木姜子除演替晚期胸径形状为间歇型外,演替早期和中期均是L型,其分布格局在整个演替阶段都是聚集分布;石岩枫演替早期和晚期的胸径形状为逆J字型,演替中期为间歇型,其分布格局为泊松分布-随机分布-聚集分布;狭叶润楠除演替早期胸径形状为间歇型外,演替中期和晚期均为L型,其分布格局除演替晚期为随机分布外,演替早期和演替中期都为聚集分布;齿叶黄皮的胸径形状为演替早期和晚期都是间歇型,演替中期逆J字型,分布格局为泊松分布-聚集分布-随机分布。研究结果可为退化喀斯特森林生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据。 The dominant populations of tree layer in the three succession stages of Karst forest in Ma-olan Natural Reserve in Guizhou were studied,through the typical samples survey,analysis of popula-tion structure and the spatial distribution pattern of population were determined by C、I、Iδ、M*、M*/M、CA、K and other aggregation indices. the results showed that the shapes of the diameter of Acercinn amomifolium and Sinosideroxylon wightianum in the whole succession stages were L,the distribution pattern of Acercinn amomifolium were clumped distribution-poisson distribution-random distribution, distribution pattern of Sinosideroxylon wightianum closed to poisson distribution in addition to the suc-cession of medium-term,early and late succession stages were clumped distribution;The diameter shapes of Dendrobenthamia hongkongen throughout the succession stages were intermittent type and dis-tribution pattern were gathered distribution,Diospyros kaki Thunb and Quercus glauca size shape the same as L at early succession stage,succession mid and late for intermittent type,the distribution pat-tern of Diospyros kaki Thunb was clumped distribution-poisson distribution-random distribution,Quer-cus glauca whole succession stage was clumped distribution;The size shape of Litseaνerticillata Hance was intermittent type except late succession stage,at early and mid succession were L and distribution pattern in the whole succession stages were clumped distribution;The diameter shape of Mallotus repandus were inverse J type at early and late succession stages,and were intermittent type at mid suc-cession stage,the distribution pattern was poisson-random distribution-clumped distribution;The size shape of Machilus rehderi Allen was intermittent type besides early succession stage,but it was L at mid and late succession stages,its distribution pattern was random addition to the late succession stage and it was clumped distribution at early and mid succession stages;The diameter size shape of Clausena dunniana were intermittent type at early and late succession stages,but it was inverse J type at middle succession stage,the distribution pattern was poisson distribution-clumped distribution-random distri-bution. The research results could provide scientific basis for rehabilitation and reconstruction of degra-dation karst forest ecosystem.
作者 覃弦 龙翠玲
出处 《贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第6期33-38,共6页 Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31660107) 贵州省自然科学基金项目[黔科合J字(2012)2280号]
关键词 种群结构 分布格局 乔木种群 演替阶段 茂兰喀斯特森林 population structure distribution pattern arbor population succession stage Maolan karst forest
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