虚拟现实技术作为一种理想的数据分析、知识挖掘、规划设计、协同工作、风险评估和决策支持工具 ,已经广泛地应用于石油勘探开发中。其主要应用领域包括地震资料解释 ,储层模型建立 ,钻井轨迹设计 ,海上平台设计 ,多学科工作组的协同工作和决策等。系统介绍了虚拟现实技术的定义、特性和作用 ,以及虚拟现实系统的组成 ,概述了虚拟现实技术在石油勘探开发中的应用情况和主要可视化应用软件 ,分析了虚拟现实技术的主要进展和发展趋势 ,展望了虚拟现实技术在石油勘探开发中的应用前景。虚拟现实技术被认为是未来将对石油工业产生重要影响的关键信息技术之一 ,将虚拟现实技术与各种应用集成 ,形成数字化、一体化、网络化、虚拟化、协同化的石油勘探开发工作平台 。
Virtual reality (VR) technology has been widely accepted in petroleum exploration and production (E&P) as an ideal tool of data analysis, knowledge mining, well planning, collaboration, risk evaluation and decision-making support. VR is mainly used in interpretation of seismic data, reservoir modeling, design of drilling path and platforms, collaboration between geoscientists of multidisciplinary team, and decision-making. Applications of VR dramatically reduce interpretation cycle times and exploration risks as well as drilling and production costs. This paper introduces systematically the concept, characteristics, and functions of VR, and components of VR system, outlines the applications of VR technology and visualization software in E&P. Advances and future trends in VR technology are discussed in detail. Perspects on the applications of VR technology in petroleum exploration are also given. As one of the key information technologies (IT) which will make great influences on petroleum industry, VR integrated with other applications will lead to an integrated, networked, virtual and collaborative platform of petroleum exploration and production.
Progress in Exploration Geophysics