
基于AquaCrop模型的北京地区冬小麦水分利用效率 被引量:16

Water Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat Based on AquaCrop Model in Beijing
摘要 【目的】作物水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)是农业水分管理与决策的重要指标。北京是严重缺水的城市,其主要种植作物冬小麦灌溉用水占比高,开展冬小麦产量水分利用效率的分析研究,可为北京地区的冬小麦节水灌溉与增产平衡提供决策信息支持。【方法】利用2011—2012、2012—2013和2013—2014年国家精准农业示范研究基地冬小麦不同生育期不同灌溉处理下的田间实测数据,对AquaCrop作物模型进行参数本地化。统计北京地区2004—2014年冬小麦生育期的日降雨量数据,利用Pearson-Ⅲ型分布划分了3种降雨年型:湿润年(2012—2013年生育期)、平水年(2009—2010年生育期)和干旱年(2005—2006年生育期)。应用AquaCrop研究分析了3种不同降雨年型、14种灌溉情景下冬小麦籽粒产量水平和产量水分利用效率特征变化。【结果】基于AquaCrop模型的产量模拟值和实测值的R 2、RMSE和d分别为0.99、0.3 t·hm^(-2)、0.99。模型模拟的冬小麦产量水分利用效率:2011—2012年正常灌溉条件下为1.72 kg·m^(-3),2012—2013年正常灌溉条件下为1.67 kg·m^(-3),2013—2014年雨养、正常灌溉和过量灌溉条件下分别为1.27、1.74和1.64 kg·m^(-3),正常灌溉条件下产量水分利用效率最高,其次是过量灌溉,雨养条件下产量水分利用效率最低。在此基础上应用AquaCrop模型模拟分析了3种不同降雨年型冬小麦籽粒产量和产量水分利用效率随灌溉量变化的响应特征,其中,湿润年产量水分利用效率和籽粒产量达到最大值时所需的灌溉量分别为35和50 mm;平水年达到最大值所需的灌溉量分别为35和40 mm;干旱年达到最大值所需的灌溉量均为65 mm。【结论】AquaCrop模型可以很好预测北京地区不同年份不同灌溉条件下冬小麦的籽粒产量和产量水分利用效率。冬小麦产量与产量水分利用效率均随着灌溉量的增加逐渐增大,至最大值后开始减小,在干旱的情况下,植物通过自身适应策略会提高水分利用效率,随着水分的增加,水分利用率将降低,因此3种不同年型的产量水分利用效率的大小顺序依次为干旱年、平水年和湿润年。因此,在制定冬小麦灌溉策略时,要做到产量和产量水分利用效率兼顾。以上研究结果表明,利用Aqua Crop模型可以为北京地区冬小麦田间灌溉和决策提供指导。关于降雨年型本研究仅对湿润年、平水年和干旱年3种年型在越冬期、返青期、拔节期、开花期和灌浆期不同灌溉量和籽粒产量和产量水分利用效率之间的关系进行模拟,对于不同时期不同灌溉量对籽粒产量和产量水分利用效率的影响没有考虑,需要进一步研究验证。 【Objective】 Water use efficiency(WUE) is an important index of agricultural water management and decision. Water shortage is serious and winter wheat is the main water consuming plant, so this study analysed the winter wheat WUE to provide information and support for decision makers for winter wheat water saving irrigation and yield balance in Beijing.【Method】 The response characteristics of yield and WUE of winter wheat under different rainfall year types and irrigation treatments were analyzed using the experimental data collected in 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 to simulate and validate the model under different years and irrigations and then calibrate the Aqua Crop model in National Precision Agriculture Research and Demonstration Base. The daily precipitations of winter wheat growing period were collected from 2004 to 2014 in Beijing, and then using the Pearson-III distribution to divide three precipitation types, wet year(2012-2013), normal year(2009-2010) and dry year(2005-2006). The response characteristics of grain yield and WUE were simulated under three precipitation types and 14 irrigation scenarios using the Aqua Crop model. 【Result】 The correlation coefficient(R^2), root mean square error(RMSE) and consistency(d) of simulated and measured values of yield were 0.99, 0.3 t·hm^(-2) and 0.99, respectively. The simulated and measured values of winter wheat grain WUE were 1.72 kg·m^(-3) in 2011-2012 growth period, 1.67 kg·m^(-3) in 2012-2013 growth period and 1.27, 1.74 and 1.64 kg·m^(-3) under rainfall, normal irrigation and over-irrigation in 2013-2014. The highest WUE was under normal irrigation, the second was under over-irrigation and the lowest was under rainfall. The response characters of winter wheat grain yield and WUE under three precipitation types were simulated by Aqua Crop model. The irrigations were 35 and 50 mm when yield and WUE were the highest in wet year, 35 and 40 mm in normal year and 65 mm in dry year, respectively.【Conclusion】 The results of the study show that the Aqua Crop model well predicted the winter wheat grain yield and WUE under different years and irrigations in Beijing. The grain yield and WUE increased when irrigations increased, began to decrease when reached the maximum values. The plants could improve the WUE through their adaptation when water is in shortage, the WUE decreased with rainfall or irrigation increasing, therefore the ranking of the WUE was dry year, normal year and wet year under three precipitation types. Therefore both the yield and WUE must be considered in development of the irrigation strategies for winter wheat. The Aqua Crop model can be used to provide guidance for the field irrigation and decision making of winter wheat in Beijing region. In this study, the grain yield and WUE were only simulated under wet year, normal year and dry year in over-wintering period, regreen period, stem elongation period, blooming period and grain filing period, the effects of different irrigations on grain yield and WUE were not considered in different periods, which need to be further studied and verified.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第23期4507-4519,共13页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(41571416) 北京市农林科学院创新能力建设专项(KJCX20150409) 北京市自然科学基金(4152019)
关键词 冬小麦 AquaCrop模型 水分利用效率 生物量 籽粒产量 winter wheat AquaCrop model water use efficiency biomass grain yield
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