3Department of the Navy ga Depart- ment of Homeland Security, The Commander ' s Handbook on the Law of Naval Operation.s', NWP 1 14M/MCWP 5-12.1/COMDTPUB P5800. 7A, July 2007, 1-6, 1-10.
5"Statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs on the Announcement on the 'East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone' by the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of Chi- na", http: //www. mofa. go. jp/press/release/press4e_ 000098. html.
6"Japan PM Abe Demands that China Revoke Claim to Airspace over Disputed Islands", ht- tp: //japandaitypress. com/japan-pm-abe-demands-that-china-revoke-claim-to-airspace-over-disputed- islands-2640069/.
9John Kerry, "Statement on the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone", November 23, 2013, http: //www. state, gov/secretary/remarks/2013/11/218013, htm.