

摘要 在中国哲学走向世界的过程中,哲学翻译和翻译哲学逐渐突显为急迫的问题。外文能力、专业知识和母语书写能力这三个方面,是翻译工作取得成功的基本保障。就中国哲学作品的"中译英"而言,不必刻意造新词,不必追求用难词,而准确理解所译语词和文本的内涵则是根本。翻译的成功有赖于译者的精心谋划,以在两种语言思想的间隔中建立某种沟通的媒质,哲学翻译的难点是如何在求同与立异之间有所权衡折中。哲学翻译中的意义错失在某种程度上不但情有可原,有时甚至不无必要。翻译的标准与理想就不只是对原作真意的简单忠实,而是对原作所要表达而又不能穷尽的意味的一种参与和阐发。文本的原义与译义之间的张力存在于中国哲学的文本翻译中,尤其是现代中国思想家的著作的翻译中。在英译现代中国思想时,译者还要面对另一种压力,即读者的需求。为了卓有成效地把中国思想介绍给对非西方传统有偏见的英美哲学家,就有必要尽可能地译介能够吸引他们的文本。最后,需要警惕的是,在"语言学转向"的语境中,哲学翻译或哲学阐释的困境有可能被归因为"语言相对主义",或者说一种"语言决定论"。 When Chinese philosophy goes into the world,the translation of philosophy and the philosophy of translation becomes more and more pressing. The skill of the foreign language,professional knowledge and the capacity of the mother language—all these three elements are essential to successful translation. Regarding translating Chinese philosophy into English,it is not necessary to coin new words or use difficult words,while the primary task is to grasp the exact connotations of words and texts to be translated. Successful translation relies on a translator's careful arrangement to establish a medium between two languages and two kinds of thought. What is difficult for a translator is to make a balance between seeking for similarities and respecting differences. The loss of meaning in the translation of philosophy is not only understandable,but even inevitable in some cases. An ideal translation not only remains loyal towards the real intention of an original text,but participates in and interprets its inexhaustible meanings. The tension between the original meaning and the translated meaning lies in the translation of Chinese philosophy,especially the works of modern Chinese thinkers. In translating modern Chinese thought,a translator shall not ignore the pressure from the readers. In order to effectively introduce Chinese thought to Anglo-American philosophers,who prejudice non-Western traditions,a translator must try his or her best to translate attractive works. Last but not the least,we must be cautious that in the context of the 'linguistic turn',the dilemma of translating or interpreting philosophy may be counted as a result of 'linguistic relativism',or even 'linguistic determinism'.
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期20-22,共3页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 中国哲学 读者 作者 英译中 现代 历史环境 判断力 原义 Chinese philosophy worldwide disputation of a hundred schools of thought translation of philosophy philosophy of translation
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