

Study on Improvement of Wet Strength Properties of Paper for Magnesium Aluminum Panel Lining by PPE
摘要 镁铝曲板衬纸要求具有较高的干湿强度和一定的柔软度,本文主要研究了PPE用量、松香、硫酸铝、CMC、打浆度、PEO等参数对PPE增加镁铝曲板衬纸湿强度性质的影响。实验结果表明,PPE可以显著提高镁铝曲板衬纸的湿强度性质,添加松香、硫酸铝、CMC、PEO可以增加PPE的增湿强效果,提高打浆度也可以增加PPE的增湿强效果。合适的工艺条件(化学品用量)为:PPE 1%~2%、松香1%、硫酸铝4%、CMC 0.2%、PEO 0.1%。 It is important for the paper magnesium aluminum panels lining to have higher strength properties and softness. In this paper,the effects of PPE usage,rosin,Al2(SO4)3,CMC,beating degree and PEO usage on the improvement of wet strength property by PPE were discussed. It was found that PPE could dramatically improve the wet strength property of the paper. And adding rosin,Al2(SO4)3,CMC and higher pulp beating degree could strengthen the improvement of wet strength property caused by PPE. The optimal dosages of chemicals added were:PPE 1 2%,rosin 1%,Al2(SO4)34%,PEO 0. 1%.
作者 李兵云 吴胜龙 何婉芬 詹怀宇 Li Bing-yun Wu Sheng-long He Wan-fen Zhan Huai-yu(State Key Lab of Pulp and Paperrused for Engineering, South China University of Technology Guangdong, China,510640)
出处 《造纸科学与技术》 2016年第5期39-42,58,共5页 Paper Science & Technology
关键词 镁铝曲板衬纸 PPE 湿强度性质 paper for magnesium aluminum panels lining PPE wet strength property
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