
供应链异质性资源、能力与绩效关系研究--基于物流企业与供应链成员间多边合作的视角 被引量:3

摘要 本文以物流企业与客户及上下游企业多边合作的供应链为研究视角,在对相关研究文献进行梳理的基础上,构建了供应链异质性资源、资源能力和绩效三者之间关系的理论模型,并提出两大假设:供应链异质性资源对于供应链绩效的提升具有正向影响;供应链异质性资源能力对于异质性资源正向影响供应链绩效具有调节影响作用。研究表明:在物流企业参与多边合作的供应链中,异质性资源起到了基础作用,是供应链绩效提升的源泉;资源能力对"供应链异质性资源——绩效"关系起到了调节作用,揭示了在异质性资源能力的协同作用下,供应链倾向于运用不同的资源获取、整合以及释放能力实现供应链绩效。 In this paper, we constructed a theoretical model about the relationship among supply chain heterogeneous resources, re- source capacity and supply chain performance based on the perspective of the logistics company multilateral cooperation with the customers and the upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain. Two hypotheses have been put for- ward by correlative theoretical research and hterature review: the supply chain heterogeneous resources would have a posi- tive effect on the improvement of supply chain performance, and the heterogeneous resources capabilities would have a moderating effect on the supply chain performance. The research showed that the supply chain heterogeneous resources were the source of performance improvement and played a fundamental role, and the resource capability played a regulato- ry role to the relationship between the supply chain heterogeneous resources and the performance. It revealed that the sup- ply chain will try to use different resource acquisitions, integration and release abilities to achieve excellent performance under the synergy of resources and capabilities.
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2016年第12期80-86,共7页 Enterprise Economy
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“制造业与物流业联动的物流服务创新研究”(项目编号:13AJY010)
关键词 物流企业 供应链 异质性资源 资源能力 绩效 logistics company supply chain heterogeneous resources resource capability performance
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