目的 运用奥马哈系统对housebound老年人进行干预,探讨其在环境领域和社会心理领域的干预效果,为改善老年人housebound状态提供有效干预依据。方法 将符合居家不出条件的老年人215例随机分为二组,即干预组107例,对照组108例。干预组采用奥马哈干预系统,从健康教育、治疗和程序、个案管理、监督4个方面对居家不出老年人进行系统干预。干预时间为期6个月,每周1~2次。对照组设为空白对照。在干预进行前和干预结束后用奥马哈结局评价系统对环境领域、社会心理领域进行效果评价。结果 在应用奥马哈系统干预前,二组患者在环境领域和社会心理领域的各项目得分均无统计学差异(P〉0.05);干预后在环境领域中,干预组除收入得分没有变化,其余项目得分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。在社会心理领域中社交、心理健康、人际关系、与社区资源的沟通4个项目干预组得分均优于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论 应用奥马哈系统干预,可以改善老年housebound人群在环境领域、社会心理领域方面的问题。
Objective To investigate the effect of Omaha system intervention in the field of environment and social psychology health of the housebound elderly, so as to provide evidence for effective intervention. Methods A total of 215 eases of eligible housebound elderly were divided into two group randomly - intervention group 107 cases and control group in 108 cases. According to the Omaha system, the intervention group took four aspects of intervention, including the health education, treatment procedures, case management and supervision. The inter- vention took 1 ~ 2 times per week for 6 months. The control group was without any processing. Befor intervention and intervention for six months, we would apply evaluation with the Omaha system on the field of environ- ment and social psychology health. Results Before the intervention, the scores between the two groups in the field of environment and social psychology had no statistical difference (P〉0.05) ; After the intervention, in the field of environment, the score of each project of the intervention group were better than the control group patients (P〈0. 05) except income. The field of society psychology included social communication, mental health, rela- tionships and community. Each project's scores of intervention group were better than the control group( P〈0. 05}. Conclusion The Omaha system intervention can improve housebound in the elderly in the field of environment and social psychology.
Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine