目的 研究在神经性头痛治疗中给予愈风宁心滴丸治疗效果观察。方法 依据患者入院就诊时间将我院自2014年3月-2015年3月收治的60例神经性头痛患者随机分为两组,采取盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊治疗的为对照组,采取愈风宁心滴丸治疗的为实验组,统计分析两组患者治疗后总有效率。结果 对两组患者进行为期1年的随访,实验组患者治疗后存在1例无效,9例好转,20例显效,总有效例数29例,总有效率96.67%,对照组患者治疗后存在8例无效,10例好转,12例显效,总有效例数22例,总有效率73.33%,差异具有统计学意义(χ^2=6.4052,P〈0.05)。结论 愈风宁心滴丸应用在神经性头痛中存在优势。
Objective To study the therapeutic effect of yufengningxin pill in treatment of nervous headache. Methods Visiting time of patients admitted in our hospital from March 2014 to March 2015, 60 cases of headache patients were randomly divided into two groups, take flunarizine hydrochtoride capsules treatment as control group, take yufengningxin pill treatment as experimental group, statistical analysis of two groups of patients after treatment, the total effeciency. Results A period of I year of follow-up of two patients, 1 case was ineffective in patients in the experimental group after treatment, 9 cases improved, 20cases were cured, the total effective number of cases in 29 cases, the total efficiency of 96.67%, 8 cases are invalid in control group after treamlent, 10 cases improved, 12 cases were cured, the total effective number of cases in 22 cases, the total efficiency of 73.33%, the difference was statistically significant ( x^2 =6.405 2, P 〈 0.05) . Conclusion The application of yufengningxin pill has the advantage in nervous headache.
China Health Standard Management
Yufengningxin balls, Neuropathic headache, Clinical effect