
机载适航标准DO-178B/C软件开发过程研究 被引量:4

Research on Software Development Processes of Airborne Airworthiness Standard DO-178B/C
摘要 介绍了DO-178B/C标准的发展历程,结合对DO-178B/C标准机载软件生命周期过程的研究,分析了机载软件开发过程需求、设计、编码和集成子过程的关系及输入输出数据,在分析机载软件需求、设计、编码及集成子过程的目标、活动和转换准则的基础上,给出了各子过程的过程模型。展望了DO-178B/C标准的未来研究方向。 Introduced the evolution history of the DO -178B/C standard, combined with the research of the airbornesoftware life cycle process which focus on DO - 178B/C standard, this paper analyze the relationship of the airbornesoftware requirement process, design process, coding process, integration process which belongs to the airbornesoftware development process and each process's input and output data . Based on the analyze of the objectives, activities and transition criteria of these processes, the paper provided the process model of each process. In the end, the paper also looks forward to the future research direction.
作者 邢亮 卢伟 XING Liang LU Wei(Xi'an Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute,A VIC, Xi'an 710068, China The 205 th Research Institute, China North Industries Group Corporation , Xi'an 710065, China)
出处 《航空计算技术》 2016年第6期73-75,79,共4页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
基金 民用飞机专项科研项目资助(MJ-S-2013-10)
关键词 DO-178B/C 软件生命周期过程 转换准则 过程模型 DO - 178B/C software life cycle process transition criteria process model
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