
光合作用研究进展与前景 被引量:8

Advances and Prospects of Photosynthesis Research
摘要 光合作用是地球上最大规模的能量和物质转换过程,是几乎一切生命生存和发展的物质基础。光合作用是自然界光能高效转换的典范,其核心问题是高效能量转化的机理。这不但是一个重大的科学问题,而且具有明确的国家目标:农业和能源等的战略需求。近年来,我国在光合作用机理及其在农业和能源应用等方面取得了在国际上有重大影响力的研究成果。进一步加大投入、组织优势队伍、联合攻关,有望在国际上抢占这一领域的科技前沿制高点,促进和推动农业和能源科学与技术的发展及新兴产业的形成。 Photosynthesis is the largest material and energy conversion process, which provides the primary source of energy for nearly all life in the world. Photosynthesis is a model for the efficient conversion of light energy in the natural world and its core issue is the mechanism of high efficiency energy conversion. Photosynthesis re- search is not only a key scientific issue today but also it has a clear national goals : the strategic needs of agricul- ture and energy, etc. In recent years, we have made great progresses in elucidating the mechanisms of photo- synthesis research as well as its application in agriculture and energy. It is expected to seize the cutting-edge ground in the field of photosynthesis research with further increasing investment, organizational advantages, and joint research, which will promote the development of new technology and industries of agriculture and energy.
作者 张立新 彭连伟 林荣呈 卢从明 匡廷云 Zhang Lixin Peng Lianwei Lin Rongcheng Lu Congming Kuang Tingyun(The Key Laboratory of Photobiology, Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093)
出处 《中国基础科学》 2016年第1期13-20,共8页 China Basic Science
基金 973计划(2009CB118500和2015CB150100)
关键词 光合作用 光能高效利用 光能感知与信号传递仿生模拟 photosynthesis energy conversion light sensing and signal transduction bionics
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